Email: mauifa@diver-cebu-life.com
Call: 808-984-3277
Fax: 808-984-3562
HI 96732-1617
Davileigh Kahealani Naeole
(808) 984-3519
The 全球网赌十大网站 金融援助 Office is here to help you access higher education and to support your success by minimizing economic barriers and providing financial education.
Verification is a federal process instituted by the US Department of Education to verify information provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
The U.S. 教育部选择学生进行验证. 您可以在FAFSA评论中看到您是否已被选中进行验证过程. UH Maui College (全球网赌十大网站) may select students for verification if we find conflicting information on your financial aid application.
The verification process is designed to request information and documents from students in order to compare it to the information the student entered on their FAFSA application. 如果有数据不匹配, we may request additional documentation in order to correct the student's FAFSA and update the conflicting information. If you are found to have purposely misled or provided false documentation to obtain financial aid funds, 全球网赌十大网站可以报告这个, 有证据显示, 交给监察长办公室审查.
A student selected for verification has no later than 30 days prior to the last date of the semester to submit complete and signed verification paperwork. If you do not submit all verification paperwork by the deadline your file will not be complete and you may not be awarded financial aid.
从2021-2022年FAFSA开始, the University of Hawai'i Maui College will begin using an online service called ProVerifier (powered by Proed) to assist with completing the verification process for students. Students selected for verification will first receive an email from UH Maui College's 金融援助 Office (mauifa@diver-cebu-life.com) and then a follow-up email will be sent from the University of Hawai'i Community College (UHCC) System 金融援助 Office (ccfinaid@diver-cebu-life.com). 第二封邮件通常会在第一封邮件的第二天发送 and will include more instructions with regard to completing the verification process through the online ProVerifier website. 学生将需要登录到 验证者及其UH用户名和密码.
Monitor your 学生的需求 section in the 金融援助 section of your My UH Services portal for the current status of your documents. 全球网赌十大网站 will send you emails to your UH email account to notify you of missing or incomplete documents.
如果您在获得资助的学期内被选中进行验证, 你必须在学期的最后一天之前上交所有要求的证明文件. 如果有需要更正你的FAFSA, 请注意,你的助学金可能会改变. 这些变化可能需要你偿还经济援助. 如果助学金有任何变化,全球网赌十大网站会通过电子邮件通知你.
If you have been awarded financial aid (by the tuition deadline) and have not declined all financial aid given to you, 您的课程将照常进行,您不必在截止日期前付款. Be aware that you have to be awarded financial aid and are able to see the award on your UH portal, 填写FAFSA并不足以让你继续上课.
- If you are not awarded financial aid you and are registered for classes you will need to pay for your classes or start a tuition payment plan through your UH portal. 否则,你的课程可能会被取消. 你有责任在学费截止日期后检查你的课程状态.
- 如果在你的经济援助申请学杂费后,你仍然欠学费, it is suggested that you wait until your financial aid has paid first and then pay the remaining balance on your account. 你不能部分付款.
只要所有的要求都完成了, 毛伊岛大学学院将在如下所述的支付日期收到资金. Be aware that this is the date 全球网赌十大网站 receives the funds and not the day the student will receive funds. 请进一步了解退款的工作原理.
- 大部分助学金和贷款将在开学前10天到达全球网赌十大网站.
- First time, freshman loan borrower funds will not come until 30 days after the first day of classes.
- 只参加一个学期的学生(仅限秋季或春季), 你的贷款分两批发放. 你的第二笔费用要到学期中期才会发放.
在所有学杂费支付后,剩余的费用将退还给学生. 有两种方式可以获得退款:
- 默认方法是通过邮件接收支票. 这可能需要从全球网赌十大网站收到款项后7-10个工作日. 支票将邮寄到您在UH门户网站上的最新地址. 请确保你的地址是最新的.
- 您也可以通过您的UH门户网站设置直接存款. 处理直接存款可能需要5-7个工作日. 点击这里查看电子退款说明.. 您可以按照以下说明注册直接存款.
查看课程时间表,了解退款日期, 擦除期间和最后一天退出与一个夏威夷州的成绩. 阅读下面的一般描述.
- 在删除期间(通常是课程的前三周), 当你增加或减少课程时,你的经济援助会自动调整. Check your UH portal for any tuition balances that you may owe as a result of adding or dropping classes.
有不同的退款期限. 由于这些退款期,你可能欠学校额外的资金. Classes that you drop before the erase period do not show up on your transcript and does not affect your satisfactory academic progress.
- If you withdraw from all your classes you will probably owe back financial aid based on how long you were enrolled in a class.
- If you partially withdraw and complete your other classes you will not owe back any funds for the current semester but may affect your eligibility for future semesters.
- W - W成绩不会影响你的GPA,但会降低你的完成率. 你需要完成所有课程的67%. 如果做不到这一点,你可能会被停学,没有资格获得经济援助. 查看全球网赌十大网站的SAP链接了解更多关于成绩和经济援助的信息.
A: If you are enrolled in Distance Education courses and/or concurrently enrolled at other University of Hawaii Campuses, 在某些情况下,你可能会获得这些课程的资助. All courses will be reviewed by the 金融援助 Office for eligibility and aid will be applied to your account accordingly.
You are responsible to obtain your textbooks and supplies that you need to ensure that you have all the resources to fulfill your SAP requirements (see SAP-Satisfactory Academic Progress for what those requirements are).
毛伊大学书店 Click Here
- 退款时间可能会有所不同,请提前计划.
- 开始为教科书做预算. 每堂课的书籍价格在50-180美元之间.
- 在毛伊大学书店网站上定价.
- 慢慢购买. (建议至少在开学前3周开始)
- 提前购买重要课程的书籍.
- 租书(网上或书店)
- 购买“二手”书——比“新书”便宜.
- 看看老师是否把他们的书“搁置”在图书馆. 有时,教师会在图书馆里放一本教科书. 这些副本不准带出图书馆.
- 找一个学习伙伴,从他们的课本中抄写.
- 有些课程不要求你在上课的第一天就带课本. (详情请咨询指导老师).
The 2024-2025年出勤费用 outlines the average estimated cost of attending 全球网赌十大网站 as a full-time student for the 2024-2025 academic year.
有关费用的更多信息,请访问全球网赌十大网站 学费、杂费和截止日期网页.